Helping you through tough times

Ayz Ali Counselling Services
After spending 20+ years helping people achieve their goals in various industries, I had an inner calling to help people through training and counselling services by using the tenets of Islam as a foundation to help people.
In today’s fast paced, digitally oriented and social media driven lifestyle,almost all people face various kinds of problems in their personal and professional lives.
Supporting people to overcome their personal and professional problems through personalized counselling. Services include but not limited to :-
Professional Counselling (Work- & Business-related counselling)
In today’s fast paced and highly competitive business and work environment, it is sometimes very difficult to pull on. With some helpful advice based on the authentic hadeeth and Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him (SAW), it is possible to sail through tough times by inculcating and imbibing the essence of the great knowledge that has been transpired through many generations.
Marital Relationship and Divorce counselling
With the dynamic environment that we live in today it is very easy for married couples to lose focus and interest in marital life due to reasons such as stress, compatibility, choices of life, extra marital affairs, social pressures, over expectations, lack of understanding and effective communication, ego clashes, self-centric thought processes and many other varied reasons. So to overcome the turbulences in marital life, there are many advises given to mankind by Allah SWT through the Holy Quran, Authentic Hadeeth and Sunnah. Therefore, help is at hand to come out of marital issues, In shaa Allah.
Financial counselling
The modern world runs on a financial business system which are riddled with loans, credit cards and many other financial products which have the capability to totally de-rail your life and bring you to the verge of financial collapse.
To help overcome financial turmoil, valuable and life changing advise is available based on the Holy Quran, Authentic Hadeeth and Sunnah.
Career Counselling
In every person’s career you reach a point where you are really not able to take the right career decisions to take your career to greater heights. Here we provide suitable and tailor made career guidance for people of all ages to plan, prepare and grow a fruitful and long lasting career path, In shaa Allah.
Family Counselling
Our lives, actions and everything that we do is always connected to our families. The importance and changing dynamics of family relationships is actually becoming the core of a new lifestyle that people are adopting and leading to each other’s isolation in a steady progression.
Our Prophet Mohammed (SAW) peace be upon him said hold your family relations closely because they are means to increase Barakah, Happy and a Long life Inshaa Allah.
We help you with creating better and long-lasting family relationships through the guidance of the Holy Quran, Authentic Hadeeth and Sunnah, In shaa Allah.
Inter-personal relationship counselling
Interpersonal relationship management is a very tough task be it at home, office or even in the society in general. People having different attitudes, thought processes and mindsets, so to manage the various personalities and perceptions around us we need to take help from the Holy Quran, Authentic Hadeeth and Sunnah.
We provide solutions for effective management of interpersonal relationships, by keep in mind the sensitivities of modern-day relationship management.
Decision making and Problem-solving support
We all reach a point in our lives where we need to make some really tough make or break decisions to move forward. We provide help,advice and guidance for decision making and problem solving using the advice given by Allah SWT through the Holy Quran, Authentic Hadeeth and Sunnah of Prophet Mohammed (SAW) peace be upon him.
Finding Inner Peace and Tranquility through Islam
Our hearts and souls are unable to find peace in this hectic world. Many a times to achieve worldly gains we kill our conscience and do many things in life. We also commit various sins, mistakes, etc which also leads lack of inner peace and tranquility.
We help people find inner peace and tranquility through the Holy Quran, Authentic Hadeeth and Sunnah of Prophet Mohammed (SAW) peace be upon him.
Personal counselling for problems which cannot be discussed in public
Many people are faced with certain problems in life which they are unable to discuss or resolve by seeking help from their near and dear ones because of the sensitivities of the problems at hand and also because of social taboos.
We help people with all types of personal problems by referring to the the Holy Quran, Authentic Hadeeth and Sunnah of Prophet Mohammed (SAW) peace be upon him.
Mentoring Services
Mentoring helps people overcome long term challenges and also achieve long term goals by way of sustained support, monitoring and guidance. Help is at hand for people seeking mentoring support for whatever life issues or life goals that one may be pursuing.
Please feel free to get in touch
Get in touch by phone / email / WhatsApp to seek help, I am only a call or message away.
India Mobile Number – +91-9986259062 (Whatsapp Available), International Mobile Number- +974-66551632 (Whatsapp Available)
Email – [email protected]